Inferior to None

Ever had ‘one of those days’ when you feel all alone…down on yourself…like throwing in the towel?  You are not alone, for no one is immune.  No matter the quality of education you received, the title behind your name, or the years of service you have devoted to your current profession, there are times when you have or will feel like you’re all alone in this world.  There will be days when you feel like somehow you’ve failed.

We all have skeletons in our closet.  Whether addictions, rape, feelings of rejection, low self-worth…there’s something that we’ve done, experienced, or practice that we’re not necessarily proud of and, often, we feel inferior because of it.  I, personally, was bulimic for nearly eight years and even after I came to the point of ‘self-discovery’, I call it, I still battle with that old bulimic mentality.  Once I came to the realization that everyone in this world faces the same or similar challenges that they, too, must overcome, I was able to pull myself up, out of the hole I was in.  Once I came to terms with the fact that even those that seemingly ‘have it all together’, whether actors, models, teachers, doctors, lawyers…everyone…faces challenges and trials in life, I became more accepting of myself and more compassionate towards, as well.


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