
Showing posts from 2017

If only children came with an instruction manual.

Parenting is no easy task. That's a given.  Our children come into this world a unique individual and we just have to wing it.  They come with no model handbook detailing their personalities, their likes or dislikes, or that offers a solution to every problem that could arise. Here's the deal: You raise your children the best you know how and assume they'll grow up to have the same morals and values as you.  After all, you raised them, right?  At least that's how I was, but to my dismay, my children grew up having only 'some of my values' and many ideas and beliefs completely apart from what I'd tried to instill in them up until that point. My children did not grow up around drugs or that type of environment, but that is the path they chose.  One of the most difficult things a parent will ever do is watch their child destroy everything good in their life, abandon their dreams, forsake their own children, and chase after that which could end their life wit