How Fragile is the Life we Live

You know, for most of us, when things are ‘rolling’ along in life…job, home, family…we don’t stop to consider just how frail life really is….how our life really is ‘hanging on a thread’.  Simple, everyday choices we make can send us on a spiral path that lands us so very near to ‘rock bottom’.  ”Oh, no, not me”, you say.  Well, I once thought the very same thing; for my life was what I call ‘normal’.  I worked in the accounting department of a reputable state agency, lived in a spacious home, and was able to do many things that I wanted with my time and money.  I couldn’t understand why people couldn’t find jobs, why they were homeless, why this – why that.  …but…

I became ill.  A hemorrhage on my brain brought about neurological symptoms including confusion.  The most routine of tasks became difficult, to say the least. I was unable to think clearly.  As a result, I quit my job.


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